Ingrown toenails can happen to anyone, and if they do, the pain can be excruciating. If you suffer from an ingrown toenail, expert podiatrists Paul Ledesma, DPM, Scott Shindler, DPM, and Jaminelli Banks, DPM, at Ledesma Foot and Ankle in Scottsdale, Arizona, can evaluate its severity and give you the proper treatment needed. Don’t stay in pain. Call for an appointment today or request an appointment online now.
An ingrown toenail occurs when the edge of your toenail grows into the surrounding skin, leading to pain, redness, swelling, and sometimes infection. This condition commonly affects your big toe and can range from mildly uncomfortable to extremely painful, often causing difficulty in wearing shoes or walking.
Several factors contribute to the development of an ingrown toenail:
Cutting toenails too short or not trimming them straight across can cause your nails to grow into your skin.
Shoes that crowd your toes or put pressure on your toenails can increase the likelihood of nails growing into your skin.
Stubbing your toe or experiencing repetitive trauma to your nail can cause it to grow improperly, leading to an ingrown toenail.
In some cases, mild ingrown toenails might resolve on their own if the nail grows out naturally without further digging into your skin. However, more often than not, ingrown toenails persist or worsen without proper care, leading to increased pain, swelling, and potential infection.
Treatments offered at Ledesma Foot and Ankle may include:
Soaking the affected foot in warm, soapy water several times a day can help reduce pain and swelling. Gently lifting the edge of the ingrown nail and placing a small piece of cotton or dental floss under it can encourage the nail to grow above your skin’s edge.
If an infection develops, antibiotics may be necessary to treat it and prevent it from spreading.
If conservative methods fail, your Ledesma Foot and Ankle provider may perform a minor procedure to remove the portion of your nail that's ingrown. This can involve trimming or lifting the nail and, in some cases, removing a section of it to prevent regrowth of the ingrown portion.
For severe or chronic ingrown toenails, surgery might be necessary to remove the affected portion of your nail and prevent recurrence. This surgical procedure is generally performed under local anesthesia.
If you have an ingrown toenail — especially if your condition is severe, recurrent, or has signs of infection like pus, increased pain, or redness — seek prompt medical attention at Ledesma Foot and Ankle as soon as possible.
Call or book an appointment online today.